Pak Choi ve Soya Soslu Kızarmış Noodle
Bazen en basit tarifler en iyi tariflerdir. Leziz sebzeleri Japon ramen eriştesi ve soya sosuyla birleştirerek bu basit vegan tarifini yapın.
Adım 1

Fry the nuts in a pan without fat or oil and place aside. Cook the noodles according to the pack instructions. Trim the ends and remove the outer layer of the spring onions, wash them and cut them into rings. Peel and crush the garlic. Halve the peppers, remove core, pith and seeds, wash and cut into strips. Clean the mushrooms and cut into slices. Quarter the pak choi and wash it.
Adım 2

Heat up the vegetable oil in a pan and sauté the spring onions, garlic and ginger. Add the pepper, mushrooms and pak choi, frying on all sides. Then add the noodles, give everything a good stir and continue cooking briefly.
Adım 3

Combine the soy sauce, chili sauce, vinegar and sesame oil. Add it to the vegetable mix and continue cooking for another few minutes. Sprinkle with nuts and coriander and serve.
Recept-ID: 221
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